Exposure and marketing is the best way to get feet to actually turn up at your craft markets
Every country will have a Facebook page that does daily features of the craft and flea markets so do a search for them.
Find| Promote them online
The local one for me here in South Africa is here – https://www.facebook.com/marketsfairsandfestivals
Now all you need to do is like or join that group and that way you will get regular details on all the best craft markets.
Other social media will help to get your market recognized by Google search engines, but that is really about SEO – so do not worry too much, just post in your favorite social media places and then make sure you link back to the main spot that has all your details
If you had a real website, it would be a massive help, as you could do real keyword stuff and after awhile you will be found by all the keyword searches (need help there? email me and ask)
Do a search for websites that list markets there are often quite a few – I sort of do that, but there are better ones for this specific purpose. When you find then, get them to add a listing for you.
BUT, using the Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest social media stuff is still by far the best way to get fresh views of what you are doing.
Plus, if you are really serious about making your market a roaring success you will use paid for Facebook adverts – “featured posts” They work very well.
Encourage each vendor on your markets to add a LOT of content to your website or Facebook page
I promise you that this works very well.
Advantage one is that a decent picture and description can do amazing things for you from the point of view of getting those “you tube Potatoes” off their bums and into the car to come out and spend the day at your market. I offer a full free page to vendors on my website, but then you need to know that while the vendor scores, so do I, and therefore you really should have your own website so you eventually get all the extra help from your efforts.
Go one level up and allow your vendors to sell off your website
This could be so huge for yourself and your vendors if done right.
I promise you it is quite easy to set up a WordPress Shopping cart website.
Get each vendor to add their stock and then you either charge them a monthly fee for listing (this could be a bad thing if your website is quiet in the beginning) or charge them a percentage of the sales.
Need help with that? I will give you a one hour free meeting explaining it all for you. Easy Peasy stuff.
Do Not Spam – BUT keep on Marketing
Spamming the same image over and over on Facebook is not going to get you any love at all. A bit of effort to think up different ways to show more stuff often is all you need to do.
As a market owner you can use your vendors/crafters to add their details or images to promote your market. There is an endless supply of info for that aspect of your marketing.
The Bottom Line?
Promote your market properly, go the extra mile and you will have a growing market that people are talking about, that WANT to come back the next time.
Make your market have so many small details as extras that it is impossible to not be a success.
Give more, do more and soon you will have a powerful market that you could run twice a month and be very happy!
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