Everything you needed to know about making money online


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Come with me – Learn how to earn online

Somewhere inside this website is the perfect business idea or money making method for you. One that actually suits YOU.


If you arrived here via Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, or Facebook – Welcome, but it also means you are following a link or image and looking for what was promised there.


Find that online business option that fits your skills

After 12 years of full-time online marketing, building over 300 websites, and teaching people how to start an online business I have finally got to the point where I plan to create free videos on business ideas and give them away.  No hard sell, no pushing you at all.

If you feel – after the free video training – that that particular business idea is perfect for you, I will then steer you in a few optional directions to get even further down the road to your financial success.

Your education starts here…


Overall Online money making – a viewpoint


The secret to making money online or starting any business for that matter is having a bird’s eye view of how the whole system works.

That way you can choose the best fit for you personally – and immediately know what to target so that your income grows at a happy rate.

Number one – Online is just as complex as offline

An amazing amount of people think that the internet is simple, you either have a business website, a blog, a shopping website, or a social website and then one of those becomes your business model. They do get that there are details below the surface like building websites, apps, coding, or doing SEO services – but a lot of the time see the opportunities as only a choice of a few ways to make money.

Oh, not forgetting the multi-level marketing options. I have tried those a long time ago in my past and will NEVER do so again. But if you like that sort of thing – be my guest.

If you said to me “Rob Please find me a job” naturally referring to a normal offline job, I would have to ask you a dozen questions.

There are thousands of different types of “jobs” in the world.

Each will need a different level of skills etc.

Online is exactly the same.

There are thousands of different ways you can make money online and just like offline your experiences, knowledge and skills will determine if you are capable of doing any of those income-generating opportunities that this online wonder called the internet will work for you or not.

Number Two – There is some very good news

The brilliance of making money online is that a very large portion of the opportunities are in fact easy to do, easy to understand, and as long as you actually work – you will succeed.

You will need to learn some basic stuff and more, but as long as you are capable of reading and writing in your chosen language, you will succeed if you actually make the effort. 

The Bird’s eye view

Before I go into detail on all the different types of choices you have available to you in your chosen method of making money online I will list a few of the biggest methods that are probably earning the bulk of the money for people all over the world online these days.

The idea is for me to explain it in enough detail for you to realize that you either love that method or are glad you found out you hate it before you wasted time trying out a website business within that niche.

So, while I have already told you that there are thousands of ways to make money online there are about 10 big and popular ways to make money. From those 10 are another 20 offshoot ways to make money. Then within those offshoots, there will be other offshoots that could still earn you a very decent living.

I will list them here and add some points as to what skills you will need to become part of that method of earning an income.

Before I start – I need to tell you this point and make it very clear!

When I say you do not need to spend any money on an idea or online business model, I am probably not including the fact that for 99% of the opportunities you will need a domain ($18 ish annually) and Hosting ($10 ish per month).

Plus you will learn very quickly that some things are just tedious and if you have the budget, it will pay to get someone else to do that task. For example, if you came to me and asked me to set up a complete business for you, I can do so very easily. I will simply outsource all the necessary tasks and in 6 months’ hand over a business to you that is already making money and growing by the day. But it would need to be a big-budget – sorry.

You could do a massive amount of different income generation methods without a website at all but it just makes sense to have a “home base” website anyway. You decide.

Then there is the building of your website, your keyword research, your niche research, and a few things like banners and headers that you could learn how to do yourself or pay a person to do that for you upfront. If you choose that way, you will pay a fee in the beginning – but then your website will be built and earning you money a lot faster than if you spent three months fiddling with the build and layout of your new website.

Again, your choice – as it is dictated by the amount of money you have available to start online.

It is obviously better to have it built for you, but if you do not have the money then go and learn how to do it yourself. I must add here that you MUST get past this step very fast (days) so that you can then go on to the actual money-making work as fast as possible.

In each of these main money-making categories, I will add these questions below and give you short answers for each one.

Do you need a website?

Do you need any skills at all?

Do you need complicated skills?

Do you need to spend money?

Do you need to have detailed knowledge of that subject?

How much income potential does this niche/method have?

How fast would I likely start to earn money?

Would I need one or many websites?

They are in no particular order


I have another interruption here and it is vitally important.

While I have listed 26 different main birds’ eye view categories here below you need to know that a lot of them could easily be combined into one big business.

For example, you could choose to start a business in one of your passions.

Random example = dating.

This would potentially fall under a few of the categories I have listed below. It would be a blog, it will become an authority site, you could add your own products, reports, or software as the site grows. You could easily add a forum, social media site, and apps, etc as the site gets busy. Then you will need a membership section and could even have affiliate programs of your own selling your software and courses. Email marketing would have become a vital part of your business.

Do you see it?

While I try to explain each section to you in general, in reality, a lot of them will need to be combined as part of your business model.

Naturally, if you are a newbie then you will start small and grow each additional section as and when you need it and have learned how to incorporate it into your online business.

So the bird’s eye categories are just to give you a better understanding of how and why each section functions, and what you would need to know or do to add that as a business or income stream.

The whole point is to give you the opportunity to choose the correct section/field/niche BEFORE you start.

A bit like knowing you want to be a degree professional or a storekeeper or a service provider or a factory worker in an offline job before you get to start that job or business.

Bored already? I hope not.

Not taking the time to do your research will only hurt those who are not serious about making money, so I thought to interrupt here to remind you that owning and running a business takes time and effort.


Build a very big authority website (meaning many many many pages and posts) when it is so big you will have thousands of visitors and then you can sell them something

(OK, Rob, Is this true? – yes, but if you stop reading this, and do not know which type of big authority website to build and how to build it – then you will make a tenth of what you could have made if you followed my research advice)

MASSIVE REVISION HERE (This headline was written two years ago, and now at the end of 2018 I am updating it all yet again. Hello – editing at the end of 2020 again :))

This text was first written 5 years ago. I do revise it occasionally and am doing a current revision to update any major changes to what I say here.

This is what has changed over the last five years and what will likely be changes going forward.

  1. Google is constantly tightening up their search algorithms and you will always need to do decent keyword research, decent content creation, and decent white-hat link building and marketing.
  2. Mobile is becoming bigger and bigger. This means that “Local Search” type businesses are flourishing online. IE if you are a gift shop or a Gym, or a landscaper – it is now easier and easier to rank for your keywords and get buyer traffic to your websites. Currently, there is a “near me” thing going on that makes this a great business idea.
  3. I should have stressed more the fact that 99% of online businesses that you start no matter what your niche or product or service are – you will need a decent website. One that looks good, is mobile compatible, is HTTPS, has decent plugins, has meta tags that are done correctly, and a whole lot more. Do not panic in this aspect. If you take my advice and are in constant contact with me via my posts on this website you will get all this information sooner or later.
  4. Social media has grown and seems to keep on growing. Sites like Pinterest are now capable of driving buyer traffic to your website with ease if you do your marketing the right way. This is true for all the big social media sites – Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, Stumbleupon, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Facebook, and naturally YouTube and good old organic search. Remember that no matter what you do from a social media point of view, you should ALWAYS have a decent organic search keyword related content plan going on. It is easily the strongest source of traffic for your business.
  5. Competition is becoming bigger and bigger, so niche’ ing down has become the best way to ensure that your target market is targetable.
  6. “Blogging” seems to be making a comeback. People, please remember that blogging these days is still just a website. Preferably WordPress. Use the links below to go to my websites to see the current information relating to this topic. This blogging thing is what I refer to as an “Authority” site in this report.
  7. E-commerce has become MASSIVE. There are 16-year-old kids making $ 100 000 a month. This is Shopify, Drop Shipping, FBA, and more. If this is your chosen niche, then please join my Facebook groups and ask for advice there. My Things-to make-and-sell sites will cover this in detail.
  8. a post-2020 comment – Covid-19 came along 11 months ago – at the time of this edit – and online marketing businesses are even more profitable right now.


Where to next?

Use the menu – or follow the core links that I will list here for you below to those pages that really will help you get started with your new lifestyle.

All Free Reports - All Courses - All Services

I am still adding the pages, and in many cases entire websites, that all these products will link to, and ask you to please be a little patient. I will try to get the sites up enough for you to see what each free report or full course is all about.

I will say this, IF you really want access now, I will set up a link for you to get access right away. To do that you will need to use the contact page and ask me.

EDIT HERE - and a BONUS to you.

I had to connect all the images below here to some sort of page, and those that are complete, cool for us, but those that were not complete, I added the course - BUT NOT A SALES PAGE yet.

This means that if you read this you can follow the links below and get at least 5 of my courses for free right now. as I edit and add sales pages so they will stop being free. 

But, hey! for now, enjoy!

Thank you

Local Business Lead Generating Cheat Sheet

This cheat-sheet is full of simple to apply tips that you can do today to start increasing the calls and leads that you need for your local business.