A really big Update – January 2021
This post on SEO was written way back in 2014.
Most of what is in there is valid today. BUT, as you can imagine, a lot has changed too.
WOW – most of the search numbers are 10x more today. Amazing
If you would like to know what the latest trends are, how you can do small tweaks to your site – one at a time – and start to see real results over time, then go to the home page and subscribe to the newsletter (email list).
On that email list, I will be showing you things you can do for SEO, and things you can do on social media and I will be giving freebies, full courses, and a lot more.
You are still welcome to read more on this page about Search Engine Optimization and watch the video.
Cool pumpkins – have a nice day!
Today I wanted to just show you the difference between two very diverse crafting niches and how your research will change when researching them.
If you are a business person and you are crafting to sell, then research is always important
(Side Note – I also made a video – so if you would rather watch the video please scroll to the bottom of this page and watch the video there)
As always, I will tell you that the best research tool by far is the Google Keyword planner.
But, today I decided to show you have the planner does not give you the direct results you are looking for.
What I did was to compare Knitting with Woodworking
Now as you can imagine they are vastly different, and as per the video I made yesterday the wood crafting side appears to be a much more popular seller. However what we do not know is if normal furniture manufacture are built into those big numbers (billions of $ per annum)
So I went into two websites that will perhaps give me more accurate results or numbers.
I compared the sales at Craft count first…
Craftcount has a fantastic interface that allows us to see which sellers are doing well with their Etsy stores.
Just to interrupt myself here, yesterday I telephoned one of those top selling stores and asked them outright if their Etsy store was their biggest income source, and I was told that it was around 50% of their orders. The other orders came from their website, and wholesale orders.
If you look at the following two images you will see the results I got.
Each ones shows the top sellers on Etsy in those niches, woodworking and Knitting
Both Images are from Craft Count
Please note that the woodcraft items are selling up to 3 times more products.
Plus if you watch my video (see it below) you will notice that a few of the knitting top sellers are not even selling knitting products. Interesting.
Now let us go to the next research tool
The Google keyword tool – always a favorite of mine
Now as I expected I was never going to get a direct result from just searching for the keywords “Woodworking” and “Knitting”Both searches are going to come up with all the related keywords like wood working tools, and knitting machines.
I then ran down the results and found the first Buying related keyword in those results and did more research from there.
I need to point out to you here that if I was researching for a client or for myself, I would add in a lot of other “gift” related searches. Very often you will get far more sales from a keyword like “what to buy him” than looking up wooden wine racks.
Have a look at theses two images to see the comparison.
Well that pretty much cover what I wanted to show you today – If you would like a bit more detail, I have a video around 10 minutes long that has a bit more details that what I have written here.
click below to watch the video